Welle's masterpiece is still great today

onestar.gifonestar.gifonestar.gifonestar.gif Citizen Kane

What is "Rosebud"? This one word has become the most famous word in film history. But what does it mean? Well, you aren't going to find the answer in this review. Unfortunately, you CAN find the answer in most "spoiler" reviews, and that isn't particularly fair to readers who haven't seen the film. Citizen Kane's story revolves around this one word which is said in the very first scene. The man who says it is on his death bed, and being his last word, it sparks an investigation into what he meant. That man is Charles Foster Kane.

For decades, this one film has been at the top of many critics' Best Films of All Time lists. Is it the best film ever made? Well, in my opinion, no. Then again, what do I know? I loved Cutthroat Island! But seriously, Citizen Kane is a brilliantly made film. I can't really take the full impact of it because it was made in 1941, and all the film techniques Welle's used are used frequently today. Back in the 40s, no one had ever seen some of them before, and so it was new and original. Nowadays, a film has to be emotionally involving and have an original plot to get recognition. Some have done it (Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction, Fargo, Contact, etc.), but most haven't (don't expect me to list them all).

But in 1941, film had only been around for a few decades, making it remarkably easy for a film to be original, not only because technology was improving, but because the ideas were from fresh, new directors. Yet, Citizen Kane is still original today. It's almost like watching a large budget student film (which it was, in a way) except that it is much better than most student films. A film that can use so many different techniques and still incorporate a good story has to be good. In fact, Citizen Kane has only one flaw, that I can tell of. I'm not sure everyone will agree with me, but I found the ending to be a big disappointment. As many people have said about the new film Contact and its ending, "I was expecting more." Sure, you can argue and claim that the ending was great, but I thought the revelation of the meaning behind Rosebud would be something unexpected and great. Unexpected? Yes. Great? Not really. The last scene made it feel like I just watched an entire film about a man's life for no purpose. Then again, I guess that is what good filmmaking is all about.

Citizen Kane is one of the few films that drew me into its story and took me through the life of a newsreel owner (the RKO Radio Pictures Company). The movie is mostly told in flashbacks as police investigators track down people who knew Kane and try to find the meaning of his final word. It is such a simple idea, and yet, it allows Orson Welles to paint with broad visual strokes. The movie is a work of art and uses so many different techniques, that you have to admire the spirit and energy of the film. Its slow pace allows Welles to reconstruct the life of Charles Foster Kane so that we somehow begin to care for Kane. We progress through his childhood and end at the deathbed, and as he says his last word and drops the paperweight, we feel a sense of wonder and confusion. We still do not know what Rosebud means. No one seems to. And no one ever will... except us--the audience.

Orson Welles was a director ahead of his time. His portrayal of Kane shows his acting ability, but this film is not about acting. It is about a powerful man whose downfall creates a reaction unexpected to anyone. It is also about the mystery of one word. But what is it mostly about? Style. One of the first films to rely heavily on style and visuals, Citizen Kane uses camera, lighting, and set techniques to show Kane's rise and fall from power. Some of the effects are still used today, but others, such as his "deep focus" perspective, are nearly extinct. One of the best scenes in the film uses deep focus well. Deep focus is the use of lighting, sets, and camera angles to make things look bigger, or smaller, than what they really are. In this scene, Kane hands over the company in Thatcher's office. The windows in the background look like normal, but after Kane signs the contract, he walks back to the windows and we see that the windows are really much more bigger than at first thought. He has suddenly become a small man.

Of course, none of this could have been done without the cinematographer. Gregg Toland creates the perfect mood for the film, making the power of Kane look dark, dreary, and unappealing. I can only imagine what this film would be like to watch in 35mm format. It seems like the VHS format doesn't do the film justice. Still, watching it on TV isn't that bad. You still are able to enjoy the great visuals and wonderful story. But reading Roger Ebert's review of it in his book, I want to see it in its original format. Toland's use of low-angle shots and optical illusions is what makes this film rise above most great films. Welles knew that low-angle shots showed power, but the optical illusion was something just first being capable of showing on film. However, for an optical illusion, such as deep focus, to work, you need something to show the actual size of objects in the room. In the scene where Kane walks back to the windows, Kane is the object which shows that those windows are much bigger than at first thought. These optical illusions are usually not found in film in the present day, and that's too bad because it is a great filmmaking tool.

And again, I asked: "Is this the best film ever made?" It's hard for me to judge. For me, Schindler's List is the best film ever made. In fact, I would put a few newer films above Citizen Kane. But this is not saying it isn't one of the best films of all time. It is. I only wish that whoever is in charge of this film now, would re-release it in theaters (and actually show it in my city). A film like this is made once in a lifetime and deserves a much wider audience than it first got. Citizen Kane sparked so much controversy that it wasn't even known if the film would survive the 40s. Some powerful people wanted the movie destroyed, but the awesome grandeur of the film overcame the small-minded people. In fact, this film is about those kinds of people. And I hope you don't take offense if you are one of them. To see if you are one of them, watch the film. If you hate it or don't like it, you are. If you love it and consider it one of the best films of all time, you aren't. If you haven't seen Citizen Kane yet, go rent it today because it is certainly worth your time and money.

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